I knew that we would get a bountiful harvest. I know we would have good food to share with friends. I knew there would be enough to can and preserve and turn into pickles, but I did not realize just how much food a 10 by 25 foot piece of ground could produce. We have not had a need to go to the farmer's market in nearly a month and the only thing we really buy at the store are spinach and oranges.
The chickens have yet to lay an egg. I know it will come in the middle of September. That's my non-educated guess.
Jenn maed plum preserves that didn't quite set up, but it will make for nice syrup, a part of a compote, and I'm betting it will be good on vanilla bean ice cream or pound cake or angel food cake, or a whole lot of things. The grapes we harvested from the alley have been cooked and are draining nicely thru the cheese cloth and it will be jelly time this evening.
I am working on pickling, cukes, green beans, and I think I am going to do a jalapeno and Thai chile mix.
Seeds are still be harvested and dried for next year, and we bought a pink toilet to plant with herbs and flowers. A not real pig named Charlotte has been added to the artscape.
Stop by sometime, sit a minute and take in the beauty. You never know what you will find. This morning it was baby lady bugs!
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