Yesterday we finsished the hen house and coop for the chickens, and I found someone to come and till the garden.
Like anything tried for the first time, the whole thing took longer than Kate or I thought it would. But, the finished product was created from 95% recycled materials, and a whole lot of sweat, tears, and love. I am proud of the fact that we had much of what we needed, and the new neighbor next door had the rest. He just finished a bunch of work and had a fabulous scrap pile in his backyard that we tapped into several times. We have a very earth friendly place for the girls to live.
Next comes tilling and the laying out of the beds. We are going to grow 34 varieties of fruits, herbs, and vegetables. I have made room for everything on paper. I hope that my paper plan translates well to the soil.
I am starting to realize that is garden, and the birds, are going to take up a lot of my time. I don't think I've bitten more than I can chew, but it will take more effort than I first thought. I am not going to give up. I am not going to grow less, or have fewer chickens. We can do this. I know we can.
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